Brisbane Chiropractors- Glow Health Co Blog Posts and Tips The Importance of Pelvic Balance During Pregnancy

First of all – Congratulations if you are pregnant!

Being pregnant is a wonderful time  but it can also cause significant stress on the body. If you have ever been pregnant, you have most likely already gone through some of the common health concerns among pregnant women such as – nausea, back pain and fatigue. If this is you first pregnancy then you have most likely heard a multitude of different versions of pregnancy from your friends and family. 

Pregnancy is an exciting period and brings with it many hopes, expectations, perhaps some fears and, of course, rapid physical changes! Common physical changes include a rise in hormone levels and weight, increased laxity of ligaments, and shifting of your centre of gravity.

50% of women experience significant levels of back or pelvic pain during pregnancy. Research has shown that chiropractic care may help relieve these symptoms in up to 85% of pregnant woman. The research also showed that on average pregnant woman who are under chiropractic care had a 24% reduction in length of labour time in first births and up to 33% for subsequent births…for those first time mums – that’s huge! 

The hormone ‘Relaxin’ peaks at 14 weeks gestation which means your pelvic ligaments will start to relax and change the shape of your pelvis in order for your baby to grow and develop. The most common area of low back pain in pregnant women is the pelvis. Your pelvis starts to shift in preparation for delivery and you may start leaning backward to a certain extent when walking or standing. This places additional pressure on your pelvis, joints and ligaments causing the pain and discomfort. 

 If your pelvic joints are twisted or one side is a bit restricted this can cause increased levels of discomfort throughout your pregnancy. When the joint is restricted, it indicates that the other surrounding joints need to work a lot harder, creating problems in other parts of your spine and even your knees and ankles. This creates imbalances within the pelvis and an unbalanced pelvis can change the shape of the pelvic outlet. The Pelvic outlet is where your  baby sits when it’s time to push so if it is unbalanced it can affects the child’s foetal position. This is because, when the mother’s sacrum is restricted or displaced, the diameter of the pelvis is reduced, which prevents the baby from comfortably getting into the best position for delivery. This is why it is so important to try and maintain good spinal function and a balanced pelvis before and during your pregnancy.  ⠀

Research shows that correct alignment of the spine and pelvis contributes to a more straightforward labour with less pain and trauma for the mother and child. If the mother’s body has imbalances this can lead to constraints that can interfere with the baby’s presentation and natural delivery. Likewise, if these joints are moving correctly, it can help the baby get into the optimal birth position. 

As well as being beneficial to women during their pregnancies, chiropractic can also help mothers after they have given birth, as it assists in ensuring that their posture, and the position of their spine and pelvis, return to normal. Regular chiropractic treatments during the weeks following childbirth can also help to ensure that muscles and ligaments do not become strained or damaged as they return to their pre-pregnancy state.

At Glow Health Co. Dr Georgia is here to help soothe your aches and pains and prepare your body for birth and beyond. If you have any questions or would like some more information, please do not hesitate to contact us on 3547 3930 or email  


