The services we offer at Glow
Chiropractic is a safe, natural and non invasive health service. Chiropractic care is not a one size fits all healthcare option. We carefully assess each patient individually and tailor their care accordingly. By using a variety of non-surgical techniques, such as specific spinal adjustments, manual therapy and low-force intervention, we offer a drug-free, hands-on approach to healthcare.
Chiropractors at Glow Health Co are concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and the effects of these disorders on the function of the nervous system and general health. There is an emphasis on manual treatments including spinal and extremity adjustments and other soft-tissue techniques.
At Glow Health Co we utilise many modalities in order to get you well as quickly as possible. These include but are not limited to:
A range of gentle and specific Chiropractic Adjustments using the following techniques:
Diversified (Manual Adjusting)
Thompson Drop Technique (Drop table)
Activator Method (Low force)
SOT - Sacral Occipital Technique (Blocks and cranial)
Soft-tissue release techniques
Functional Kinesiology Taping
Rehabilitative Exercise programs
Ergonomic and postural advice
Nutritional advice
Remedial Massage is a modality that focuses on massage and other manual techniques in order to address problems arising from muscles and soft tissues. Treatment involves techniques to reduce muscular tension, spasm and tightness while the selection of these techniques is largely dependent upon individual presentation and the exact clinical problem.
Remedial Massage can be a whole body therapy or can be tailored to your problem areas โ it is an individual experience guided by your feedback and how your body responds. Techniques which you may experience with a Remedial Massage therapist may include general massage, trigger point therapy, myofascial release and lymphatic drainage.
Remedial Massage has been shown to be an effective treatment for:
Enhancing blood flow to injured tissue.
Improving joint flexibility and movement by lengthening muscles and associated soft tissue structures.
Reducing pain and therefore promoting relaxation.
Improving overall wellbeing by reducing stress, anxiety and depression.

Our Special Interests
Both of our Chiropractors are passionate about continued learning and therefore strive to improve their skills by regularly attending seminars on the latest evidence based techniques to ensure our patients are receiving the best care possible. Our practitioners also have special interests within the clinic including:
Sports Chiropractic
Pregnancy & Paediatric Care
Injury Prevention
Concussion Management
Postural conditions
Dr Georgia is one of few Chiropractors who has successfully completed a Diplomate of Australian College of Chiropractic Paediatrics (DACCP). She is currently completing her International Federation of Sports Chiropractic (FICS).
Dr Theunis is currently completing his International Federation of Sports Chiropractic (FICS).
Our Fees
Child Initial Consultation
Dr Georgia has undergone further study in assessing and treating children aged 0-16 years old.
Initial Consultation
Your chiropractor will spend approximately 45mins with you during this consult and will perform a comprehensive assessment consisting of an in-depth history, full spine and extremity assessment, range of motion, reflexes and an appropriate functional movement screen. After they have ruled in or out possible diagnoses they will proceed to provide a treatment if appropriate. If specific medical imaging such as an X-ray is required your chiropractor will refer you for them.
Rehabilitation Consult
A longer consultation lasting approximately 20-30mins. It is for specific for athletes, severe conditions, certain rehabilitation consults. Your chiropractor will advise you if you require this type of appointment.
Report of Findings (ROF)
Extended visit where your chiropractor will explain any advanced images, treatment results and plan.
Standard Appointment
A standard consultation including assessment, adjustment or intervention and re-assessment.
Cancellation Policy
Any cancellations made within 24 hours notice will be reviewed and will receive a cancellation fee.