Growing up in South Africa in a small country town you either played Rugby Union or you played Rugby Union. It was wonderful, I loved every minute of it, the thrill of running, the physical demand, the mateship. The one thing my body didn’t enjoy too much was the injuries I sustained while playing, which affects me now more than ever.
There are literally tonnes of pressure produced in a rugby scrum where it’s distributed into 8 players either side, and the front row of 3 players absorb most of the force. The forces at a professional level indicates potential hazardous (chronic) spine injuries when applied to cadaveric specimens.
The question all the parents and players ask me is; can I prevent them from getting injured? I always answer with no, there is always a risk of getting injured while playing as in any sport. Rugby Union is a very physically demanding sport with an approximate 25 percent injury rate during the season. With the care we provide at Glow Health Co, we specifically look at each player’s movement patterns, we assess them in different positions and identify their bodies weakest area of load absorption. We then adjust areas where required, release tissue if needed and give specific rehabilitation work for them to complete.
By identifying and addressing these areas of weakness it is allowing their bodies to absorb load better, creating a more efficient and strong foundation.